

A good rejection

I've started submitting my novel to literary agents. Of course I had high hopes, but I'm realistic enough to have braced myself for the inevitable rejections that would follow. The first one was a doozy. I was not prepared at…

The Finish Line

While I wouldn't say I'm close to finishing my first novel (if you don't count the one sitting in a box in the back of a dark cupboard), there is a light at the end of a not-too-long tunnel. Trying…

The Importance of Place

While working on my novel (I'm 65,000 words in), I've been feeling as though some of the locations were chosen in too random a way. Plus there were a lot of them. I've just finished reading Tana French's "The Likeness", a great read in the…

A Writer’s Routine

"The repetition itself becomes the important thing; it’s a form of mesmerism." Haruki Murakami "You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page." Jodi Picoult "Turn off your…